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How does a screw extruder work?

A screw extruder is one of the main equipment for the plastic molding process, which carries out solid transportation, compaction, melting, shear mixing, and extrusion molding of plastics through external power transmission and heat transfer of external heating elements.
Since the birth of the screw extruder, after nearly a hundred years of development, has been developed from an ordinary screw extruder to a new screw extruder. Although there are many types of new screw extruders, in terms of the principle of the extruder, it is the same. The traditional screw extruder extrusion process is dependent on the barrel outside the heating, solid material and barrel, screw friction, and melt shear force to achieve. "Friction coefficient" and "friction", "viscosity" and "shear stress" are the main factors affecting the performance of conventional screw extruders. Because of the complexity of the factors affecting "friction" and "viscosity", the extrusion process of the traditional screw extruder is in a non-stationary state and difficult to control, especially for certain heat-sensitive plastics with poor thermal stability and high viscosity.
Since the 60s, scholars from all over the world have conducted a lot of research on the mechanism of screw extrusion, and have made significant achievements, but because their research is limited to the traditional plastics extrusion molding mechanism, the form of the mechanical structure and energy transfer, and thus has not been able to make a breakthrough. A series of shortcomings existed in the traditional screw extruder, such as bulky size, high energy consumption, high noise, and product quality is difficult to improve a series of shortcomings have not been fundamentally resolved.
Zero one time to manufacture each screw extruder can realize the high standard performance requirements, is a professional screw extruder manufacturers, the manufacturing process of each piece of equipment and non-standard equipment project progress has implemented strict quality control, equipment used in the spare parts are strictly audited, each piece of equipment for each part of the implementation of the full inspection. From design, and procurement to production, pay attention to every detail.