Whether the barrel is carbonized heat treatment is the key to ensuring that the screw barrel length time! Some injection molding machine screw barrel manufacturers to save costs, not barrel carbonization heat treatment! So the barrel barrel without nitriding is not allowed! When making new barrels, the barrels are carbonized, and the thickness of the treatment is about 50 filaments when the screw is worn out, the barrels are also worn out, to varying degrees, but if the output drops more, the barrels will not have more than 20C (filaments), and the thickness of the carbonized layer is different for each barrel, so some refurbishing factories can use it for more than half a year the time they do the refurbishing, but The second time to do, even three months can not be used, the reason is that the time there is a little thickness of the carbonized layer of carbonized layer, so it can also be used for more than half a year, renovation of the second time when the carbonized layer is completely gone, so it is not used. Carbon (nitrogen) is used in charcoal for charcoal treatment, barrel carbonization heat treatment will become a grayish-white color, different from the color of rust before, some factories cheat people with fire, for pure black, a barrel can be up to four carbonization heat treatment because the barrel of iron has been denatured, the internal structure has been changed. In any refurbishment factory, if there is no barrel carbonization treatment, absolutely not as long as the carbonization treatment, if the old screw barrel is the time to do refurbishment, barrel carbonization treatment is not carried out, with the time to look at the original degree of wear and tear of the barrel how! So there is no barrel carbonization treatment of the refurbishment plant to do the quality is not stable, some with a long time some with not long, so the reason! Old barrel material determines the length of time to use.